This is Part 2 in a series where I describe how this site is built and hosted. If you haven't read Part 1 yet, I encourage you to check it out here: Part 1 - How I Built This Site
In this part of the series, I'm going to cover everything that happens from the time I commit & push my code to the repository up to the point it's live on the site.
Around the same time I was working on building this site, I was also tinkering with setting up a homelab server. I had already had several Raspberry Pis running various self-hosted applications, primarily Home Assistant, along with a media server, and Pi-Hole. I also had an older desktop PC that didn't get much use anymore, and decided turn it into a dedicated home server to host all of these various services.
I started by installing ProxMox Virtual Environment on the server. From there, I was easily able to spin-up virtual machines or linux containers. I setup a dedicated Home Assistant virtual machine, along with a linux container running Dockge to manage my various docker-compose-based services. With this, I was determined to get my newly-rebuilt personal site up & running as a containerized application on my home server.
I knew I would need a MySQL instance, along with a Redis cache, so I started by setting up containers for each of them in Dockge. I also setup OneDev as an all-in-one self-hosted DevOps platform. OneDev provides a git repository, bug tracking, task management, CI/CD build pipelines, and more. It's a fantastic piece of software.
To containerize the application, I've setup the following Dockerfile:
FROM php:8.2-cli
RUN apt-get update -y && apt-get install -y libmcrypt-dev git libzip-dev libicu-dev
RUN curl -sS | php -- --install-dir=/usr/local/bin --filename=composer
RUN docker-php-ext-install intl pdo pdo_mysql zip exif
COPY . /app
RUN composer install
CMD php artisan serve --host= --port=8000
I realize this wouldn't be suitable for a Production environment; but I'm a firm believe of YAGNI, and this works for my personal site that generates a small volume of traffic.
In OneDev, I use a build pipeline to build and publish the Docker image of my repository when commits are made to the main
branch. OneDev offers a UI-based pipeline builder, with several pre-made build-step components; or you can roll-your-own by defining your own .onedev-buildspec.yml
file with your own build configuration. Here's an example of what I'm using:
version: 33
- name: Build and Publish Image
- !CheckoutStep
name: Checkout Code
cloneCredential: !DefaultCredential {}
withLfs: false
withSubmodules: false
- !CommandStep
name: Composer Install
runInContainer: true
image: php:8.2-cli
interpreter: !DefaultInterpreter
commands: |
apt-get update -y && apt-get install -y libmcrypt-dev git libzip-dev libicu-dev
curl -sS | php -- --install-dir=/usr/local/bin --filename=composer
docker-php-ext-install intl pdo pdo_mysql zip exif
composer install --no-dev
useTTY: true
- !CommandStep
name: Build App
runInContainer: true
image: node:latest
interpreter: !DefaultInterpreter
commands: |
set -e
apt update
apt install -y jq
npm ci
npm run build
rm -rf node_modules
useTTY: true
- !BuildImageStep
name: Build & Publish Docker Image
output: !RegistryOutput
tags: kylekanderson/portfolio:latest
platforms: linux/amd64
- !BranchUpdateTrigger {}
retryCondition: never
maxRetries: 3
retryDelay: 30
timeout: 3600
There's a lot there, but it's really 4 simple steps:
Checkout the code
Setup the build machine dependencies and run a
composer install
Bundle the app assets with
npm run build
Build and publish the Docker image to a private repository on Docker Hub.
At this point, I don't have a means of automatically updating the Docker image running in Dockge. So, once the app is built and published to Docker Hub, I will manually pull the update into Dockge. That's a fairly quick and painless process though.
One other thing I hadn't mentioned yet - storage of user-uploaded assets (and by that, I mostly mean files that I upload to the site via the admin panel). If I were running the app in a more standard server configuration where I had access to a permanent file system, I could simple store these assets directly in the server's file system. However, in a containerized application with ephemeral file storage, I chose to use MinIO as a self-hosted S3-compatible file storage option. Because MinIO is S3-compatible, I was able to use Laravel's S3 storage driver by just swapping in my MinIO credentials in place of AWS credentials, and everything worked as expected.
And those are the basics of how the site is hosted. There are a few other things happening behind-the-scenes that I may write about in a Part 3. Stay tuned for that, or more rambling thoughts on other related topics in the coming days and weeks.